Bergson Proposes Alternative Fair
No, it's not what you're thinking. Mayor Bergson is not proposing a gay fair. But his proposal would result in a gay old time!
Bergson has proposed that Duluth hold a "State Fair of the North." For fairgrounds, Bergson is proposing to use the ancient US Steel site. In his words, "A more than adequate location for a good time."
Bergson issued the following statement:
"For too long, we have sent our hard earned dollars to the fair in St. Paul. No more! I propose a new, alternative fair. My fair would feature the best of the St. Paul fair - I will have a 'largest pig' and 'faces made of butter.' And my fair would go beyond the St. Paul fair. To the typical fair fare of 'footlong' pronto pups, I will propose a TWO FOOT pronto pup. To best the walleye on a stick, a paltry morsel, I will propose a LAKE TROUT on a stick. And the trout will be cooked WHOLE!"
Bergson went on to explain the rest of his concept. Unquestionably, it is unique. But who would pay the start-up costs of acquiring the land and building the infrastructure? Not to mention the marketing and parking lots required to attract the patrons. In Bergson's eyes, those costs should be borne by the Duluth Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The DCVB issued the following short press release after hearing about Bergson's proposal: "We have not heard of or endorsed in any way this proposal."
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